Turbulent inflow precursor method with time-varying direction for large-eddy simulations and applications to wind farms.

Published in Boundary-Layer Meteorology, 2016

Recommended citation: Munters W., Meyers J. (2016). "Turbulent inflow precursor method with time-varying direction for large-eddy simulations and applications to wind farms." Boundary-Layer Meteorology. 159(2), 305 - 328. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10546-016-0127-z

This paper focuses on turbulent inflow conditions for simulation of high Reynolds number wall-bounded flows. A qualitative comparison between synthetic turbulence methods and precursor inflow turbulence illustrates the better accuracy of the latter. Furthermore, the original precursor methodology is generalized to time-varying directions, and a case study involving the Horns Rev wind farm is shown.